
Data Identity and Management

Fulfill rising customer expectations with Vérité Data’s dynamic solutions for identity resolution and data quality – offering an accurate, consistent, and comprehensive view of your customers.

Maximize the impact of your data and build a profitable customer base

Identity Resolution

Unify your customers' identity profiles linking their online and offline activities.

Data Quality

Confidently leverage data that is cleansed, accurate, and useable data for more efficient marketing.

Acquisition & Enhancement

Add attributes to enrich identities and learn more about each of your unique customers.


Seamlessly, combine, transform and map customer data continuously from diverse sources across departments and channels.

Hosted Management

Utilize fully adaptable customer identity and data management solutions to drive results.

White Paper

Seize opportunities for growth with unified customer data

With the end of 3rd party cookies and mobile ad IDs, the approach to identity resolution has shifted. Learn more about Vérité’s solution and the key to the best Identity Resolution build out.

Use Data to Solve Your Customer Identity Questions

Discover how adaptive data solutions can deliver the right results

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